As a student at TAFE SA, you will need to use computers and technology throughout your studies. You have access to a range of tools and services that can help you in your coursework, and lots of support is available to help you use this technology.
You will need access to a computer during your studies. You can access the TAFE SA online environment by either:
A basic level of computer skills is helpful, but don't worry if you need support. You can get help at all stages of your study.
To access online learning and support services at TAFE SA you will need one or more of the following devices:
You can use your own portable devices, including laptops, tablets and mobile phones, while on campus by connecting to the TAFE SA Wi-Fi and accessing key systems through MyTAFE SA.
For students who don’t have access to a computer or the internet at home, desktop computers are available for use at the Student Hubs and Libraries at most TAFE SA campuses. Laptops are available for loan for on-campus use at Adelaide, Regency, Tonsley and Mount Gambier using the Lapsafes.
The specific skills and knowledge of computers you will need may depend on the qualification you are studying, and the amount of online and independent content required of you.
When commencing a vocational course at TAFE SA, you will need to be familiar with some basic functions of computers, such as:
If you do not yet have the computer skills required for the course you are studying, support is available:
It’s really important that you setup your TAFE SA account prior to commencing your course. To set up your account follow these 3 simple steps:
Your password must meet the following requirements:
If you experience problems, or just need help getting started, you can get help from:
One-on-one appointments with our librarians are available both online and face-to-face - book using the buttons below:
Online Appointment
On-Campus Appointment
TAFE SA has a number of tools, programs and services you can use in your studies. Click the headings below for information and assistance using these.
Please note that assistive technology may only be borrowed or renewed with Student Success and Wellbeing's approval. Contact an Access and Inclusion Advisor to arrange loans for this equipment.
Setting up your device and making it more accessible is easy to do and takes only a few steps. Ease of Access options are available in Settings, giving you the most commonly used accessibility tools, so you can set your device to the way you need.
Read more about the support available to TAFE SA students with a disability here.
Collaborate is TAFE SA’s virtual classroom. It allows you to join in a live class with other students from any internet-connected device. You can access Collaborate sessions from within your courses in Learn - they will be identified by this button:
For help using Collaborate, see the Using Learn page.
Messages from the library (e.g. notices about items you have reserved, alerts, overdue notices etc.) will usually come via SMS (if you have provided your mobile number) or to your TAFE SA email address.
You may wish to set up automatic forwarding in your TAFE SA email account so that all TAFE communications are redirected to your personal (home) email address. This can save you from missing out on important information from your lecturers, from Learn, and from the library.
To do this:
For more information about using your TAFE SA email account, see this guide..
OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service that allows you to create, store and share files from any web browser. To access your OneDrive, login to MyTAFESA, click Office 365 and then click OneDrive:
It offers the following benefits:
See the using one drive guide for more information.
Students can borrow a laptop for up to eight hours across several TAFE SA campuses.
Follow the instructions on the touch screen:
Step 1: Swipe your TAFE SA ID card and enter your PIN when prompted:
Step 2: Review and accept the Terms & Conditions
Step 3: Find the flashing door, scan your ID card on the unit, and unplug the laptop
Laptops should remain on campus and be returned within 8 hours or before the campus closes.
Step-by-step instructions are also available on the unit.
All laptops use Windows 10 and have Microsoft Office 365 applications and Adobe Digital Editions installed.
Adelaide, Regency, Tonsley and Mount Gambier laptops feature additional software:
At Adelaide and Regency the laptops also feature MYOB.
Logon to the laptop with your TAFE SA email address and password (for example
For more information, please watch this video:
Learn is TAFE SA’s online learning system, where you access your online courses. (You may sometimes hear it referred to as Moodle, which is the software the platform runs on.) Access Learn through MyTAFESA or go directly to it at
Many resources you'll use for your studies are available online via the library catalog.
To sign into your library account, use your TAFE SA Single Sign On details (email address + password) - the same credentials you use for logging into MyTAFE SA, Office 365 and Learn. (See Single Sign On.) Once logged in, you can check what you have on loan, extend your loans and reserve items, and use our databases, streaming videos and e-journals.
Below are instructions for accessing some different types of online resources once you have logged in to the library catalog.
To access the databases
Searching the databases
For help using specific databases, see these guides.
To find e-books:
Enter your search terms in the search field and select E-books from the menu box next to it.
To read them (for longer than 10 minutes):
Other devices are not supported. For more information, see this guide.
To access ClickView videos:
All the ClickView titles are listed on the library catalogue, so you can find them by entering your search terms in the search field and selecting Streaming videos from the menu box next to it.
When you find a video you want to look at, click View availability. A popup window will appear.
Select Click HERE to play video. A new tab will open. If you are on campus, you should be taken directly to the video. If you are off campus, you will be prompted to log into Clickview before you can see the video, so leave that tab open while you click the second link ("If you asked to sign in, click HERE to obtain login details") to obtain a ClickView ID. Go back to the second tab and use this to sign in and you will then be taken to the video.
You can also access ClickView by
Once you are signed into ClickView, you can browse the subject categories listed on the main page, or just use the search box at the top of the page. Once again, if you are on campus, you will be able to access the site without signing in, but off-campus you will need to obtain the ClickView login from this page or the Online Databases page before proceeding.
Most of TAFE SA's systems such as MyTAFE SA are web-based so should be easily accessible on Mac computers via common browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge, all of which are available in Mac versions. For best results we recommend these over the native Apple browser Safari (particularly versions 7 and older), but if you do prefer to use Safari please make sure you have the latest version installed (and have auto-updates turned on so it will automatically upgrade the browser as required.)
You have access to the full suite of Microsoft Office programs (collectively known as Microsoft 365, formerly known as Office 365) for the duration of your time as a TAFE SA student. This includes:
... and many others! You probably won't need to use all the programs included in Microsoft 365, but you are welcome to try them out. Access Microsoft 365 via MyTAFE SA.
The online version which you access from MyTAFE SA allows you to create and edit documents directly in your web browser. Documents you create in the online versions are automatically saved in OneDrive (also part of Microsoft 365).
If you prefer to use the desktop versions of these programs, you can also install Microsoft 365 Pro Plus software on up to five personal devices, including your computer, phone and tablet. (NOTE - if you already have an existing version of Office 365 installed on your devices, installing these new versions from TAFE SA will overwrite what you already have - and will stop working when you cease being a TAFE student.)
You can improve your reading, writing and comprehension with Microsoft’s digital learning tools. These free tools are easy to use and access and support learning regardless of age or ability.
Below are some common questions you may have about Office 365:
When trying to sign in after starting an Office application, it sometimes loops back to the sign-in screen. This is caused by a caching issue in Safari. Please close all Office application that are open and clear your Safari cache. Try starting one of the Office applications and retry the activation process.
MyTAFE SA is your digital hub. It allows you to:
You can also access Self Service via MyTAFE SA.
As study and work move increasingly to an online environment, it is important to take steps to keep yourself, and those you interact with, safe and secure.
Students and staff at TAFE SA have a right to work and study in an environment free from harassment, discrimination or threatening behaviour, whether working face to face or online. TAFE SA has a range of policies to describe your rights and responsibilities in detail - you can view them at
Cyber safety
The Internet has become one of our central environments for work, study and entertainment, but it does have its risks – you may have heard about cyber bullying, viruses, phishing, identity theft, catfishing etc. Fortunately, there are some basic steps you can take to try and avoid these:
As well as keeping yourself safe online, you're expected to respect the safety and comfort of other students. The term netiquette was coined some years ago to describe principles of civil behaviour online - here are some useful points of netiquette for you to follow in your interactions with other students and with the wider Internet community:
If you feel uncomfortable with a message you have received whilst studying at TAFE, speak with your lecturer or another TAFE SA staff member about it. If you would prefer to make your complaint in writing, use the Feedback form on the TAFE SA Feedback or Complaint page.
Essentially, netiquette is about treating people online the same way you'd like to be treated. This will help make your usage of the Web a positive experience.
For further information:
ESafety Commissioner (Australian Government) - provides lots of useful information on cyber safety
Australian Cyber Security Centre - discusses current threats such as common spam and phishing emails, impersonation scams etc., and provides up-to-date information about how to protect yourself.
Where available, you can use FollowYou printing to send your file to any of the printers on campus. Rather than printing directly to one printer, you can send send your file to a central online queue. This means you’ll always be able to collect your printing from the most convenient printer, with no extra work.
You can add credit to your student ID card through MyPrint. To access MyPrint, you need to be using a desktop computer at one of our campuses. Select the Add Printing Credit icon on the desktop to head to MyPrint.Check out the MyPrint instructions if you need help.
You can scan documents and send them to your email, USB or your TAFE SA OneDrive using our larger printers.Swipe your ID card to login and then access the scan menus.
As a TAFE SA student, you are able to purchase some computer equipment from these vendors at discounted prices. Please note that they will require you to provide proof that you are a current student in order to qualify for these discounts.
You also have access to discounted software from the Software WebStore. You can buy the latest Windows 10, Adobe Creative Cloud or antivirus software for your personal computer, at a reduced price.
NOTE - TAFE SA accepts no responsibility for software installed on any home device. TAFE SA will not offer any support if these software products are installed on your home devices. To purchase from the store registration is required.
Read and Write is a new tool that you can use to support your learning and make assignments easier to take in and complete.
Read and Write supports a wide range of learning needs with features like:
Installation guides for personal devices:
For further installation support, please visit: or email TextHelp at
Your TAFE SA email address also serves as your user name to login to TAFE SA computers and online services. This combination of email address and password is sometimes referred to as Single Sign On because you can use the same login details for a number of TAFE SA systems.
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool in Office 365 that provides groups with the ability to work together and share information via a common space online. You can utilize features like document collaboration, one-on-one chat, team chat, and more.
In TAFE SA, Teams is used to hold meetings and training and connect students and staff who may be at separate locations. Using Teams, you can Instant Message or talk with your lecturer or other students. In some cases, you may want to record your Teams session. Your lecturer will give you more instruction if they want you to use Teams in your course.
Access to the internet is available for active students throughout all TAFE SA campuses. This allows students to bring and use their own devices for learning. You will need your Student ID number and password available before connecting to the internet.
Your Student ID number should contain 9 numbers (e.g. 000052334)
Most devices should be able to automatically connect to TAFESA-BYOD by following these basic steps:
Certificate Details: Issued to AU, Adelaide, TAFE SA Issued by Entrust Certification Authority – L1K, Entrust Root Certifications Authority – G2
If you have trouble connecting, check these connection guides below, and confirm your account is active by logging into a campus computer/laptop or asking library staff.
TAFE SA students can also connect their devices to the Eduroam wireless network.
Eduroam allows staff and students from TAFE SA to gain secure wireless network access at other participating institutions across Australia and around the globe using your TAFE SA username and password.
TAFE SA students can now access a variety of learning tools designed to enhance the learning experience and improve accessibility. One of these tools is YuJa Panorama, a plug-in features available within TAFE SA LEARN. It offers you alternate formats for learning content, promoting equitable and accessible participation. YuJa Panorama supports Universal Design for Learning by providing you with different ways to engage with you learning materials, ensuring all students, not just those with disabilities, benefit from these enhancements. The alternative formats can be accessed directly within the course section on LEARN, allowing you to use different devices to view content in the format that works best for you.Some of the available formats include text files, audio podcasts, EPUB versions, Braille, language translations in over 100 languages and even immersive readers that offer text-to-speech and custom reading preferences. These will allow you to customise you learning experience, whether you need a text-only format, audio narration, or a specific visual aid.
In addition to YuJa Panorama, the YuJa Website Accessibility Widget provides another tool to improve accessibility across TAFE SA LEARN. This widget enables you to adjust the User Interface, design, and readability of your learning content through a simple toggle. It supports a range of customisable features for learners with diverse needs, such as those with motor impairments, dyslexia, visual impairments, ADHD, and other conditions or those who simply prefer different colours and fonts.With the widget, you can adjust content appearance by changing spacing, alignment, font, and even hide images or pause animations. The widget is designed to make the learning environment more inclusive for everyone, regardless of individual needs.
YuJa allows you record video content or upload pre-existing video content to be stored and shared. It is integrated in to LEARN, to make it as easy as possible for you to creating and sharing video.
You can access YuJa by going to the TAFE SA YuJa website and sign in with your TAFE SA Single Sign On. For further information please watch this short student demo or visit the YuJa panorama website or use the YuJa 24/7 support.The library also provides support services if you need help using YuJa. You can access the helpful user guide which can be found on the library website here. If you need assistance, you can book an appointment with a librarian for support through the TAFE SA Students website: Libraries
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