As a student at TAFE SA, you will need to use computers and technology throughout your studies.  You have access to a range of tools and services that can help you in your coursework, and lots of support is available to help you use this technology.

Basic requirements

You will need access to a computer during your studies.  You can access the TAFE SA online environment by either:

  • using your personal computer or device
  • using computer facilities at your closest TAFE SA Campus
  • accessing community resources such as your public library or community centre.

A basic level of computer skills is helpful, but don't worry if you need support.  You can get help at all stages of your study. 


  • To access online learning and support services at TAFE SA you will need one or more of the following devices:

    • A laptop, PC, tablet or mobile phone with an internet connection or capacity
    • Internet access using either a home, work or public network

    You can use your own portable devices, including laptops, tablets and mobile phones, while on campus by connecting to the TAFE SA Wi-Fi and accessing key systems through MyTAFE SA

    For students who don’t have access to a computer or the internet at home, desktop computers are available for use at the Student Hubs and Libraries at most TAFE SA campuses.  Laptops are available for loan for on-campus use at Adelaide, Regency, Tonsley and Mount Gambier using the Lapsafes.

  • The specific skills and knowledge of computers you will need may depend on the qualification you are studying, and the amount of online and independent content required of you.

    When commencing a vocational course at TAFE SA, you will need to be familiar with some basic functions of computers, such as:

    • Microsoft Word, including use of headings, paragraphs, dot points, changing font
    • Microsoft Outlook, including sending/receiving emails, opening and attaching files/documents
    • General Internet navigation, including use of tabs, downloading resources, searching websites
    • File storage, including USB and local hard drive use

    If you do not yet have the computer skills required for the course you are studying, support is available:

  • It’s really important that you setup your TAFE SA account prior to commencing your course. To set up your account follow these 3 simple steps:

    1. Visit MyTAFE SA and click Perform a Password Reset to set your password.
    2. Enter your TAFE SA student email address as shown in your Welcome email.
    3. An unlock code will be sent to the personal email address you provided when you enrolled with TAFE SA. Enter the code in the Reset Your Password section.
    4. Enter your new password. This completes the process.

    Your password must meet the following requirements:

    • 8 to 16 characters
    • Contain characters from at least three of the following four categories:
    • Lowercase characters (a–z)
    • Uppercase characters (A–Z)
    • Numerals (0-9)
    • Symbols (! @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ “ < > ( ) ;)

What if I need help?

If you experience problems, or just need help getting started, you can get help from:

  • Student Hubs  - can help you with accessing the Student Portal, wi-fi, resetting your TAFE SA password and basic computing functions
  • Call 1800 882 661; for international students in Australia, call 1800 049 492. These calls are free and business hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (public holidays excluded). If you are Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service
  • Library - librarians can assist you with:
    • accessing MyTAFE SA, Collaborate, LEARN & email
    • basic computer skills
    • using electronic resources
    • developing effective study techniques

Smiling staff giving help to student at laptop

One-on-one appointments with our librarians are available both online and face-to-face - book using the buttons below:

Tools and services

TAFE SA has a number of tools, programs and services you can use in your studies.  Click the headings below for information and assistance using these.

  • TAFE SA is committed to the principle that all students should have equal opportunity to access and participate in vocational education and training. Students with a disability can borrow assistive technology equipment through TAFE SA libraries to help them with their studies.


    Please note that assistive technology may only be borrowed or renewed with Student Success and Wellbeing's approval. Contact an Access and Inclusion Advisor to arrange loans for this equipment.

    Accessibility help and learning features from Microsoft.

    Setting up your device and making it more accessible is easy to do and takes only a few steps. Ease of Access options are available in Settings, giving you the most commonly used accessibility tools, so you can set your device to the way you need.

    Read more about the support available to TAFE SA students with a disability here.


  • Collaborate is TAFE SA’s virtual classroom. It allows you to join in a live class with other students from any internet-connected device.  You can access Collaborate sessions from within your courses in Learn - they will be identified by this button:

    Collaborate icon

    For help using Collaborate, see the Using Learn page.

  • All official communications from TAFE SA will come to you via your TAFE SA email address or, if you have supplied it, your SMS number.

    Messages from the library (e.g. notices about items you have reserved, alerts, overdue notices etc.) will usually come via SMS (if you have provided your mobile number) or to your TAFE SA email address.

    You may wish to set up automatic forwarding in your TAFE SA email account so that all TAFE communications are redirected to your personal (home) email address. This can save you from missing out on important information from your lecturers, from Learn, and from the library.

    To do this:

    • Login to Office 365 via MyTAFE SA and go to Outlook
    • Click on Settings (the cog symbol)
    • Scroll down to View all Outlook settings
    • On the left-hand menu, click on Mail and then select Forwarding
    • Select the tick-box for Enable forwarding
    • Enter the email address that you would like to forward to
    • Click Save at the bottom of the screen

    For more information about using your TAFE SA email account, see this guide..

  • All students are provided a TAFE SA email address, which you can also use to login to TAFE SA computers and online services.

    Your email address will be sent to you via the personal email address you provide and is typically written as your full name, but can also include a number where several people share a similar name: or

    To access your email, login to the Portal. Click Office 365 and then click Outlook:

    Office 365 menu with Outlook highlighted

    Any future correspondence in relation to your study will be sent to the above TAFE SA email address. If you prefer to receive correspondence via a different email address, you can set up automatic forwarding from your TAFE SA webmail (see Communications from TAFE SA).


  • OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service that allows you to create, store and share files from any web browser. To access your OneDrive, login to MyTAFESA, click Office 365 and then click OneDrive:

    Office 365 menu with OneDrive highlighted

    It offers the following benefits:

    • Online storage – Your account can hold up to 1TB of files
    • 24/7 access – Create, view or edit your files from any web browser or from your mobile phone
    • Office Online – Create and work in Microsoft applications (like Word and Excel) directly in your web browser without the need to download the app on your computer; when you create and work on a file online in any Office365 program, it will be automatically saved to your OneDrive 
    • Collaboration – Need to finish work for a group project? Share your files with other students, work on the same file together, and see what everyone is adding in real time. OneDrive also provides version history so you can restore and work from older versions.

    See the using one drive guide for more information.

  • Students can borrow a laptop for up to eight hours across several TAFE SA campuses.


    • Adelaide City: Outside of the library
    • Barossa (Nuriootpa): Student Hub
    • Berri: Student Hub
    • Elizabeth: T3, Main entrance foyer
    • Gilles Plains: Outside of the library
    • Mount Barker: Student Hub
    • Mount Gambier: Student Hub
    • Murray Bridge: Student Hub
    • Port Lincoln: Student Hub
    • Port Pirie: Corridor outside of Student Hub
    • Regency: Library entrance area in B Block
    • Tonsley: Building 5, Ground floor
    • Urrbrae: Corridor outside of Student Hub
    • Whyalla: Main entrance foyer near Student Hub

    Lapsafe lockers 

    How to borrow a laptop

    Follow the instructions on the touch screen:

    Step 1: Swipe your TAFE SA ID card and enter your PIN when prompted:

    • Student PIN - The first four digits of your birthdate <ddmm>
    • Please see Library or Student Hub staff to reset your PIN.

    Step 2: Review and accept the Terms & Conditions

    Step 3: Find the flashing door, scan your ID card on the unit, and unplug the laptop

    Laptops should remain on campus and be returned within 8 hours or before the campus closes.

    Step-by-step instructions are also available on the unit.

    Returning a laptop

    • Return the laptop before the campus closes.
    • Laptop loans cannot be renewed. If available, you can take out a different laptop for a further 8 hours.
    • Laptops must be returned to the campus they were borrowed from.
    • Remember to plug the laptop into the cable in the locker so that it can recharge.


    All laptops use Windows 10 and have Microsoft Office 365 applications and Adobe Digital Editions installed.

    Adelaide, Regency, Tonsley and Mount Gambier laptops feature additional software:

    • Autodesk AutoCAD
    • Autodesk AutoCAD Civil
    • Autodesk Revit
    • Autodesk Navisworks Manage
    • Autodesk Advance Steel
    • Autodesk Inventor Professional

    At Adelaide and Regency the laptops also feature MYOB.

    Using a borrowed laptop

    Logon to the laptop with your TAFE SA email address and password (for example 


    • You must bring your own headphones and mouse, these are not provided with the laptops.
    • You may be allocated a different laptop each time you borrow. For this reason, remember to save any work files to OneDrive. Avoid saving files directly on the computer's desktop or local folders as they can’t be recovered.
    • Report any issues with laptops or the lockers to the Library or Student Hub staff.


    For more information, please watch this video:


  • Learn is TAFE SA’s online learning system, where you access your online courses.  (You may sometimes hear it referred to as Moodle, which is the software the platform runs on.)  Access Learn through MyTAFESA or go directly to it at

    For help using Collaborate, see the Using Learn page.

  • Many resources you'll use for your studies are available online via the library catalog.

    To sign into your library account, use your TAFE SA Single Sign On details (email address + password) - the same credentials you use for logging into MyTAFE SA, Office 365 and Learn. (See Single Sign On.)  Once logged in, you can check what you have on loan, extend your loans and reserve items, and use our databases, streaming videos and e-journals.

    Below are instructions for accessing some different types of online resources once you have logged in to the library catalog.

    • The library subscribes to a number of online databases which contain many journal articles, reports, case studies, e-books etc. which you can use in your studies. These are only available to current TAFE SA students and staff.

      To access the databases

      • Go to the Databases page
      • Log in to your library account
      • Browse the list of databases and click on the link for the one you want to look at

      Searching the databases

      For help using specific databases, see these guides.


    • The library provide e-books from ProQuest’s Ebook Central. These are available via the library catalogue.

      To find e-books:

      Enter your search terms in the search field and select E-books from the menu box next to it.

      To open them:

      • Click on View availability then click the link that says Click HERE to go to e-book.
      • You'll be taken to an information page about the book, with options to Read Online or Download.
      • You can read a title online for 10 minutes. To access it longer, you will be asked to take out a "loan" so you'll need to login. If you choose Download, you'll be prompted to login straight away.
      • Before you can login, you'll need an Ebook Central account. If you don't have one already, create one at the prompt. We recommend you use your TAFE SA username and password so you don't have to remember another login. When you've filled in the details, click on Join Ebook Central.
      • You will receive an email confirmation with a link which you must click to activate your login.

      To read them (for longer than 10 minutes):

      • To keep reading an e-book for longer than 10 minutes, you will be asked to take out a "loan". For most e-books, this is for 7 days. If you need it for longer, simply take out another loan when the first one runs out.
      • While you’re reading online you can also download the whole book or individual chapters, and copy and print pages. You can't copy an entire book - each book will tell you how many pages you can print and copy and built-in protection will prevent you from copying or printing more than this.
      • You can also highlight text and add notes and bookmarks - these will be saved in your account so if you return to the book in the future they will still be there.
      • You can also download in PDF format to your own device to read offline (you won't be able to print or copy though). It can be accessed for up to 7 days, and must be viewed on the device it was downloaded to. To read offline you'll need:
        • On PCs and laptops: Adobe Digital Editions - follow the links on screen to download and install
        • On IOS and Android devices: Bluefire - you can get it from the app store

      Other devices are not supported. For more information, see this guide.


    • TAFE SA Libraries have videos available to view online from the ClickView streaming video library. You can view these videos on or off campus. If you are on campus, you should be able to access the videos directly from our catalogue without logging in. When off campus, you will be required to log in.

      To access ClickView videos:

      All the ClickView titles are listed on the library catalogue, so you can find them by entering your search terms in the search field and selecting Streaming videos from the menu box next to it.

      When you find a video you want to look at, click View availability. A popup window will appear.

      Select Click HERE to play video. A new tab will open. If you are on campus, you should be taken directly to the video. If you are off campus, you will be prompted to log into Clickview before you can see the video, so leave that tab open while you click the second link ("If you asked to sign in, click HERE to obtain login details") to obtain a ClickView ID. Go back to the second tab and use this to sign in and you will then be taken to the video.

      You can also access ClickView by

      Once you are signed into ClickView, you can browse the subject categories listed on the main page, or just use the search box at the top of the page. Once again, if you are on campus, you will be able to access the site without signing in, but off-campus you will need to obtain the ClickView login from this page or the Online Databases page before proceeding.

  • Most of TAFE SA's systems such as MyTAFE SA are web-based so should be easily accessible on Mac computers via common browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge, all of which are available in Mac versions. For best results we recommend these over the native Apple browser Safari (particularly versions 7 and older), but if you do prefer to use Safari please make sure you have the latest version installed (and have auto-updates turned on so it will automatically upgrade the browser as required.)

    To work on assignments that may require common applications such as word processing, spreadsheets etc., avoid using the built-in Mac programs such as Pages, Numbers etc. as these may not always be compatible with Word or Excel files and may not display all the features or content correctly. Instead, download and install the MacOS version of Microsoft365 from MyTAFESA (see the Office 365 installation guide for students for instructions.) You will then have fully compatible versions of Word, Excel etc. on your Mac and be able to open and work in files in this format without any issues.


  • You have access to the full suite of Microsoft Office programs (collectively known as Microsoft 365, formerly known as Office 365) for the duration of your time as a TAFE SA student. This includes:

    • Outlook - for your TAFE SA email
    • Word - for word processing
    • Excel - for spreadsheets
    • OneDrive - where you can store and access your files
    • PowerPoint - for creating presentations

    ... and many others! You probably won't need to use all the programs included in Microsoft 365, but you are welcome to try them out.  Access Microsoft 365 via MyTAFE SA.

    The online version which you access from MyTAFE SA allows you to create and edit documents directly in your web browser. Documents you create in the online versions are automatically saved in OneDrive (also part of Microsoft 365).

    If you prefer to use the desktop versions of these programs, you can also install Microsoft  365 Pro Plus software on up to five personal devices, including your computer, phone and tablet. (NOTE - if you already have an existing version of Office 365 installed on your devices, installing these new versions from TAFE SA will overwrite what you already have - and will stop working when you cease being a TAFE student.)

    Accessibility help and learning features from Microsoft. 

    You can improve your reading, writing and comprehension with Microsoft’s digital learning tools. These free tools are easy to use and access and support learning regardless of age or ability. 

    Below are some common questions you may have about Office 365:

  • As study and work move increasingly to an online environment, it is important to take steps to keep yourself, and those you interact with, safe and secure.

    Students and staff at TAFE SA have a right to work and study in an environment free from harassment, discrimination or threatening behaviour, whether working face to face or online. TAFE SA has a range of policies to describe your rights and responsibilities in detail - you can view them at

    Cyber safety

    The Internet has become one of our central environments for work, study and entertainment, but it does have its risks – you may have heard about cyber bullying, viruses, phishing, identity theft, catfishing etc. Fortunately, there are some basic steps you can take to try and avoid these:

    • Use passwords that are not obvious or easily guessed (e.g. not your name or your pet's name, password or 1234)
    • Change your passwords periodically
    • Try and create different passwords for different sites rather than using the same one for everything.
    • One way of keeping your passwords secure is to use a password manager, which is a tool that can manage your logins and generate fresh ones that are harder for hackers to penetrate. There are many available, the two most common systems are LastPass for a cloud solution, and KeePass for an offline solution. Lastpass offers premium trial version for 30 days which continues as a free basic service even if you don't purchase a premium subscription. KeePass is always free with no cost.
    • Never allow others to use your personal account
    • Log off at the end of each session to ensure that nobody else can use your account
    • Promptly inform your lecturer, library staff or other TAFE SA staff member if you suspect you have received a message that is inappropriate, or you suspect you have a computer virus
    • Promptly exit an inappropriate website should you accidentally access such a site


    As well as keeping yourself safe online, you're expected to respect the safety and comfort of other students. The term netiquette was coined some years ago to describe principles of civil behaviour online - here are some useful points of netiquette for you to follow in your interactions with other students and with the wider Internet community:

    • Avoid writing email or messages in all capitals. IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE SHOUTING! It's also difficult to read.
    • Keep your written communications succinct and focused. Few people like reading lengthy text on a computer screen. Many people now receive email on mobile phones and other portable devices, and small screens can make reading long messages challenging.
    • Remember that comments you post to a forum or chat session via Skype etc. are publicly available to ALL students and teachers in that session. If you want to make side comments to individuals during the session, make sure you address it to them only before posting.
    • Stick to the topic when posting a message. Don't indiscriminately post unrelated comments. This practice, known as spamming, can quickly lead to another unpleasant Internet practice, flaming.
    • What is flaming? Sometimes you might offend someone unintentionally. This can generate some angry, or even rude, responses in a public discussion such as on Facebook. This is called being flamed. If you retaliate, you may spark a flame war. To contain the heat, the best response usually is no response at all - or a heartfelt apology.
    • When sending email, make sure that the subject line accurately describes what the message is about. If the topic changes during a string of messages, alter the subject line. This also makes it easier if you want to refer back to an important email message again later.
    • Think twice before you send email. Consider all your electronic communications to be public and act accordingly. Electronic communications may seem temporary, but when you hit the Delete key, they don't go away. Email is usually stored on a mail server and can be retrieved. The same is true for online forums. What you post can't be retracted and there will be a record of it somewhere, so be aware of that before you post anything in haste.
    • Never send emails or other messages containing:
      • a message that was sent to you in confidence, without the approval of the person who originally sent the message
      • a virus or attachment that is capable of damaging another person’s computer
      • chain letters and hoax emails
      • a message that has been altered without the knowledge of the original author
    • Never post:
      • unacceptable or unlawful material or remarks, including offensive, abusive or discriminatory comments
      • material that is threatening, bullying or harassing to another person, or makes excessive or unreasonable demands upon another person
      • sexually explicit or suggestive content
      • false or defamatory information about a person or organisation


    If you feel uncomfortable with a message you have received whilst studying at TAFE, speak with your lecturer or another TAFE SA staff member about it. If you would prefer to make your complaint in writing, use the Feedback form on the TAFE SA Feedback or Complaint page.

    Essentially, netiquette is about treating people online the same way you'd like to be treated. This will help make your usage of the Web a positive experience.

    For further information:

    ESafety Commissioner (Australian Government) - provides lots of useful information on cyber safety

    Australian Cyber Security Centre - discusses current threats such as common spam and phishing emails, impersonation scams etc., and provides up-to-date information about how to protect yourself.

  • Your password is set to expire every 90 days. You are responsible for all activities recorded against your account, therefore it is important that you do not share your password with anyone.
    We automatically registered your personal email address that you provided when enrolling in our Password Reset portal, so that you can reset your password yourself at any time. When you request a reset of your TAFE SA password it will send a verification code to that email address to verify it is you.
    Reset your password by following these steps:
    • visit our password reset page
    • enter your TAFE SA email address
    • follow the on screen prompts to reset your password
    • when prompted, enter the verification code sent to your personal email address or phone number. 
    You can change the address that your reset verification message goes to, either to another personal email address or to a mobile phone number. You must do this when your TAFE SA password is working and not expired. Follow these steps:
    • visit
    • sign in using your TAFE SA student email address and your password.
    • follow the on-screen prompts to register a personal email address or mobile phone number that you can use to access a reset verification code.
  • Printing, copying and scanning facilities are available at all TAFE SA libraries. You’ll have $10 added to your account when you enrol.

    Download this guide to learn more about how to purchase printing credits or follow the steps below.

    FollowYou Printing

    Where available, you can use FollowYou printing to send your file to any of the printers on campus. Rather than printing directly to one printer, you can send send your file to a central online queue. This means you’ll always be able to collect your printing from the most convenient printer, with no extra work. 

    How to print

    1. Click the print command from the printer list on your computer. The FollowYou print queue will be set as your default.
    2. Head to any printer, swipe your ID card to login and release your printing. Detailed instructions are available at each printer to assist students in logging in and printing.

    Printing costs

    • Black and white - 8c per A4 page and 10c per A3 page
    • Colour - 50c per A4 page and $1 per A3 page
    • Scanning - free (but you'll need to have at least 10c on your account)

    Adding printing credit

    You can add credit to your student ID card through MyPrint. To access MyPrint, you need to be using a desktop computer at one of our campuses. Select the Add Printing Credit icon on the desktop to head to MyPrint.

    Check out the MyPrint instructions  if you need help. 


    You can scan documents and send them to your email, USB or your TAFE SA OneDrive using our larger printers.

    Swipe your ID card to login and then access the scan menus.

    Getting help

    Library or Hub staff are available to assist if you have any questions.

  • As a TAFE SA student, you are able to purchase some computer equipment from these vendors at discounted prices. Please note that they will require you to provide proof that you are a current student in order to qualify for these discounts.

    • Apple – Account creation and eligibility validation required
    • Lenovo -  Eligibility validation required
    • Microsoft - Eligibility validation required

    You also have access to discounted software from the Software WebStore.  You can buy the latest Windows 10, Adobe Creative Cloud or antivirus software for your personal computer, at a reduced price.

    NOTE - TAFE SA accepts no responsibility for software installed on any home device. TAFE SA will not offer any support if these software products are installed on your home devices. To purchase from the store registration is required. 

  • Read and Write is a new tool that you can use to support your learning and make assignments easier to take in and complete. 

    Read and Write supports a wide range of learning needs with features like:

    • text-to-speech
    • word prediction
    • grammar checking to help boost your reading and writing skills.

    Installation guides for personal devices:

    For further installation support, please visit: or email TextHelp at

  • Your TAFE SA email address also serves as your user name to login to TAFE SA computers and online services. This combination of email address and password is sometimes referred to as Single Sign On because you can use the same login details for a number of TAFE SA systems.

  • Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool in Office 365 that provides groups with the ability to work together and share information via a common space online. You can utilize features like document collaboration, one-on-one chat, team chat, and more.

    In TAFE SA, Teams is used to hold meetings and training and connect students and staff who may be at separate locations. Using Teams, you can Instant Message or talk with your lecturer or other students. In some cases, you may want to record your Teams session. Your lecturer will give you more instruction if they want you to use Teams in your course.

  • Access to the internet is available for active students throughout all TAFE SA campuses. This allows students to bring and use their own devices for learning.

    You will need your Student ID number and password available before connecting to the internet.

    Your Student ID number should contain 9 numbers (e.g. 000052334)

     Most devices should be able to automatically connect to TAFESA-BYOD by following these basic steps:

    1. On your device, go to the Wi-Fi settings/icon.
    2. Locate and select the wireless network SSID called TAFESA-BYOD.
    3. When prompted, type in your username and password.
    4. Select Trust if prompted about a certificate, once confirming it’s valid as per the details below. (If you have an Android phone, you need to select Use system certificates, select Do not validate and add in the Domain field.)

    Certificate Details:
    Issued to AU, Adelaide, TAFE SA
    Issued by Entrust Certification Authority – L1K, Entrust Root Certifications Authority – G2

    If you have trouble connecting, check these connection guides below, and confirm your account is active by logging into a campus computer/laptop or asking library staff. 

    TAFE SA students can also connect their devices to the Eduroam wireless network.

    Eduroam allows staff and students from TAFE SA to gain secure wireless network access at other participating institutions across Australia and around the globe using your TAFE SA username and password. 

  • YuJa Panorama

    TAFE SA students can now access a variety of learning tools designed to enhance the learning experience and improve accessibility. One of these tools is YuJa Panorama, a plug-in features available within TAFE SA LEARN. It offers you alternate formats for learning content, promoting equitable and accessible participation. YuJa Panorama supports Universal Design for Learning by providing you with different ways to engage with you learning materials, ensuring all students, not just those with disabilities, benefit from these enhancements. The alternative formats can be accessed directly within the course section on LEARN, allowing you to use different devices to view content in the format that works best for you.

    Some of the available formats include text files, audio podcasts, EPUB versions, Braille, language translations in over 100 languages and even immersive readers that offer text-to-speech and custom reading preferences. These will allow you to customise you learning experience, whether you need a text-only format, audio narration, or a specific visual aid.

    YuJa Widget

    In addition to YuJa Panorama, the YuJa Website Accessibility Widget provides another tool to improve accessibility across TAFE SA LEARN. This widget enables you to adjust the User Interface, design, and readability of your learning content through a simple toggle. It supports a range of customisable features for learners with diverse needs, such as those with motor impairments, dyslexia, visual impairments, ADHD, and other conditions or those who simply prefer different colours and fonts.

    With the widget, you can adjust content appearance by changing spacing, alignment, font, and even hide images or pause animations. The widget is designed to make the learning environment more inclusive for everyone, regardless of individual needs.

    YuJa Video Platform

    YuJa allows you record video content or upload pre-existing video content to be stored and shared. It is integrated in to LEARN, to make it as easy as possible for you to creating and sharing video. 

    You may find yourself using videos as part of activities in LEARN such as forums or assessments throughout your time at TAFE SA.

    YuJa Support

    You can access YuJa by going to the TAFE SA YuJa website and sign in with your TAFE SA Single Sign On. For further information please watch this short student demo or visit the YuJa panorama website or use the YuJa 24/7 support.

    The library also provides support services if you need help using YuJa. You can access the helpful user guide which can be found on the library website here. If you need assistance, you can book an appointment with a librarian for support through the TAFE SA Students website: Libraries

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