TAFE SA Learn is a learning management system that is used to hold your learning content and assessment activities.
Most programs use TAFE SA Learn for a range of functions, you may use the online course space for the following functions:
TAFE SA Learn is available via MyTAFE SA or via this direct link: https://learn.tafesa.edu.au. Please note that TAFE SA Learn is separate to MyTAFE SA.
Find out more about the different functions of Learn by exploring the following topics:
TAFE SA Learn is available via MyTAFE SA or via this direct link: https://learn.tafesa.edu.au. Please note that TAFE SA Learn is separate to MyTAFESA.
Your TAFE SA student email address:firstname.lastname@student.tafesa.edu.au
If you have not logged into the TAFE SA system before
Aa and your 8-digit date of birth – for example Aa@31011985
If you have logged onto the system before (when you registered)
The password you selected when you logged in for the first time
If more than one (1) course is starred or selected as a favourite, all starred courses will be displayed in alphabetical order.The star icon on favourite courses is a solid colour.When the course no longer needs to be upfront and a favourite, select the star icon on the course ‘tile’ so the star icon is just an outline.
Q. My password isn't working.
Please refer to the Technical Support page for further help.Q. A subject I have enrolled for isn't showing on my dashboard.There may be unit/s of competency or subjects that you have registered for that have not yet started. The associated LEARN courses will appear on the My Courses dashboard once they have started. Please contact TAFE SA Info line on 1800 882 661 or your lecturer if you think you should have a LEARN course on your My Courses dashboard and it is not visible.
Q. I am not able to log into Learn. I get a white screen or too many redirections error.
Your browser cache needs to be cleared. Please refer below for instructions for your specific browser:ChromeFirefoxFirefox (Mac)SafariMobile Devices (IOS / Android)Q. I have been provided with a ‘LEARN only’ login. How do I log into LEARN?TAFE SA Learn is available via the TAFE SA Portal or via this direct link: https://learn.tafesa.edu.au. Click on ‘LEARN only login’ and enter the details that have been provided by a TAFE SA staff member.
From the top right hand side of the page you have access to quick links for the TAFE SA website, MyTAFE SA and TAFE SA Learn Help page. Directly below these links are My Courses and icons for Messages and Notifications:
The course banner stretches across the complete width of the page, here you’ll also find the course name and site breadcrumbs. Selecting the course name will bring you back to the Home page of the course.
The course information is split into two sections. On the left is the CONTENTS with a list of all the sections available, you can also search the course from this area. Under each content’s menu item, you can see the progress for each Section. Down the bottom of the list is the Course Dashboard.
The Course Dashboard shows the progress and grade for the course along with quick access to the Gradebook, Open Reports and Badges. Below this are two (2) blocks:
The completion progress shows you a visual representation of your progress through this course.
Use the activities block for easy navigation to each activity type. This means, if you select forums, you will see a screen with a list of all of the forums in this course and the topic number they are located in. Each forum will also be linked so you can also select one of the links to directly access the selected forum.
It is advisable to update your profile in TAFE SA Learn so other students and your lecturers can learn a little about you. Use this step-by-step guide to update your profile.
There are a few things to be aware of when updating your details in the General section of your profile page:
Check that your first name and last name are correct. These names will be printed on your Online Completion Certificate. If your name is displayed incorrectly, please inform your lecturer.
Check that you preferred name, if you have provided us with one, is correct. If you would like to provide us with a preferred name, please complete a Student Change of Personal Details form.
Check your TAFE SA email address is correct and set your privacy setting:
Due to confidentiality and privacy we ask that you enter the city/town of the campus in which you are enrolled.
You can also choose to include a description. Remember, only include information that you are happy for others to know about you.
At TAFE SA we like to see photos of students/ participants, but it is your choice to upload one if you wish.
To add a picture do the following:
The final sections on the profile page are for entering information such as your hobbies or other ways to contact you. You can enter details here if you wish.
Select the Update profile button at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to your profile page and you should see the information you have added.
The following icons may be used throughout this course to help you identify important information or activities you are required to undertake. If at any time you are unclear what an icon means you can always refer back to this page.
The assignment provides a space into which you can submit work for lecturers to grade and give feedback on.
Enables a lecturer to take attendance during class and you to view your own attendance record.
Books can contain media files as well as text and are useful for displaying lengthy passages of information which can be broken down into sections.
Enables you to have text-based, real-time synchronous discussions.
Is a checklist / to do list / task list for you to work through.
A single question with a selection of possible responses.
Collaborate single session
Single instance of a virtual classroom. Compatible with Firefox or Chrome only
Collaborate multi session
A regularly scheduled virtual classroom. Compatible with Firefox or Chrome only
Enables you to create, maintain and search a collection of entries (i.e. records).
A file is a course resource.
Contains a number of files inside a single location.
The forum activity module enables you to have asynchronous discussions i.e. discussions that take place over an extended period of time.
Enables participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary, or to collect and organise resources or information.
Interactive Content
Can contain interactive content such as interactive videos, question sets, drag and drop questions, multi-choice questions, presentations etc.
A lesson is used for self-directed learning, scenarios or simulations/decision making exercises.
Lightbox Gallery
A lightbox gallery enables you to view a gallery of images and if available leave comments.
A page is a web page used to present content that can display text, images, sound, video, web links etc.
A quiz comprises a range of various question types including multiple choice, matching, short answer and numerical. Each attempt is marked automatically and grade may be is recorded in the gradebook.
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is an electronic package that is used for presenting multimedia content and animations.
The survey is used to assess your online learning experience.
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is also known as a web address, it is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on the internet.
The wiki enables participants to add and edit a collection of web pages.
The workshop enables the collection, review and peer assessment of students' work.
Some courses may require you to participate in a forum. A forum is a form of discussion that takes place online. Forums are different from online chats in the way that they are not instant.
When you post or reply to a forum there is a 5 minute time delay before it is posted onto the site to allow you to edit your posting if you wish.
When using a forum, discussion or participating in a student lounge area remember to use netiquette.
Accessing a forum
Click on the forum icon/button to enter:
Forums have different views depending on what is required from you as a student. Some forums have predefined topics for discussion which your lecturer wants you to respond to. In these cases the discussion topic is explained in the top section of the Forum window.
In most forums you will be able to start a discussion topic as a student.
Your topic will be displayed in the Discussions list as shown below, remember there is a 5 minute lapse in time to give you the opportunity to edit your posting.
Learn also includes an instant messaging tool so you can communicate with your lecturer or fellow students individually.
You can search for a contact by entering their name in the Search field or, if you’ve previously emailed them, you can select their name from your Contacts list.
A convenient way to contact someone in your course group is to look them up in the Participants area of the Course Dashboard.
When someone sends you a new message you will get an email notification, this will be sent to the email you have saved in your profile. The number of unread messages will also be displayed next to your My Courses link.
A grade book is available on TAFE SA Learn for each course that you are enrolled in. Grade books are where you can view your grades and see where you are up to in relation to any required quizzes and activities.
Checking lecturer feedback
There are various ways that your lecturer may assess your progress within your course:
Your course may also contain quizzes and other learning activities, such as interactive exercises, to test your knowledge or give you the opportunity to practice before you proceed to the assessment stage.
Quizzes are represented by this icon. You may be required to answer questions in different formats such as “true or false”, multiple choice, choose an answer from a drop-down menu, fill in the blanks, etc. Quizzes may be for assessment, or may be designed to test your knowledge before you attempt assessment in your course.
Each quiz will have the following details:
This icon indicates you are required to submit an assignment online. The type of work that you may be asked to provide could be in the form of a word document, a spreadsheet, images, audio or even a video. Lecturers can then receive, review, mark, grade and provide feedback online.
Depending on the course you are studying, some of the assignments you may be required to submit may be video or audio files, or may be large files with lots of graphics. Such files are usually considerably larger in size than Word documents or spreadsheets. Learn has a maximum file upload limit of 20 MB, so your file may go over this size.
If this happens, you will need to choose an alternative way to upload a file. You can upload using your OneDrive and a link.
This video shows you how to upload a large file that will not fit on Learn and how to share the link and upload a txt that contains the link.
If you prefer to read materials in hard copy format instead of looking at a screen for long periods of time, Learn enables you to print your course out as a "book" for offline reading.
Select the book icon/link:
Lecturers and students now have the ability to record audio and video directly in Learn. Two additional icons will appear in the top row of the text editor’s toolbar wherever this option is available.
This short video on YouTube demonstrates how to insert audio and video:
YuJa is another option available to TAFE SA staff and students for video recording, editing, and storage.
YuJa allows you record video content or upload pre-existing video content to be stored and shared. It is integrated in to LEARN, to make it as easy as possible for you to creating and sharing video.
YuJa supports Universal Design for Learning by providing different ways to engage with learning materials, ensuring all students benefit from these enhancements. The alternative formats can be accessed directly within the course section on LEARN, allowing options for different devices to view content in the format that works best for you.
In Browser
On a mobile device
The library provides support services if you need help using YuJa. They have helpful user guide which can be found on the library website.
If you need assistance, you can book an appointment with a librarian for support through the TAFE SA Students website: Libraries (tafesa.edu.au)
Collaborate is a virtual classroom platform that allows you to take a class with other students at the same time.
These are scheduled by your lecturer and you will be provided information about how and when to access these in your class.
If you are new to Collaborate please do the following before your first class:
If you are having any issues accessing Collaborate refer to these resources:
Frequently Asked Questions (opens in a new window)
Troubleshooting (opens in a new window)
Collaborate Help for Participants (opens in a new window)
What browsers are supported by Collaborate?
The following browsers are supported:
(Collaborate only supports the most recent two stable channel releases of browsers. If you are experiencing issues we recommended updating your browser to a supported version.)
Google Chrome (recommended) FirefoxSafari (Macintosh) Edge (chromium based)
Non supported browsers: Edge (non chromium) Internet Explorer
How do I install Chrome to connect to my online class?
This version of Windows only allows applications published from the Windows store to be installed. At present Chrome or Chromium Edge are not available in the store. You will need to use an alternative device to successfully join and interact with your class.
I am not able to be heard or seen by my lecturer. How do I fix this?
Please refer below for how to check these settings:
Chrome SafariFirefox
This is a commonly reported issue when using Edge. Edge is not a supported browser for Collaborate.Please confirm you are using Google Chrome and not Edge .
If you have connected to your session in Edge please exit the session and rejoin using Chrome.
Please check your sound defaults and ensure that your sound is up.
On a Macintosh - go to Apple > System Preferences > Sound.
On a Windows computer go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound or search for "sound" and select Sound from the Control Panel in the search menu.
This error means that the connection has been blocked. This can be caused by:
J10 or J 11 troubleshooting Home networking troubleshooting
Popups are blocked in your browser. For Chrome, an icon will show to right of address bar indicating the popup has been blocked:Click icon and click always allow popups. Restart Chrome to apply.
I get an "A03 - Session not found" or "Token not valid" error after joining my session.
Your session has disconnected and not been able to re-establish the connection. Please close the tab and click on the join link again to re-join your session. Reach out to your lecturer if you are still not able to connect.
Looking for course content that aligns with your learning needs? Discover how YuJa Panorama and the YuJa Widget offer alternative formats and a customisable user interface to enhance your learning experience.
TAFE SA students can now access a variety of learning tools designed to enhance the learning experience and improve accessibility. One of these tools is YuJa Panorama, a plug-in features available within TAFE SA LEARN. It offers you alternate formats for learning content, promoting equitable and accessible participation. YuJa Panorama supports Universal Design for Learning by providing you with different ways to engage with you learning materials, ensuring all students, not just those with disabilities, benefit from these enhancements. The alternative formats can be accessed directly within the course section on LEARN, allowing you to use different devices to view content in the format that works best for you. Some of the available formats include text files, audio podcasts, EPUB versions, Braille, language translations in over 100 languages and even immersive readers that offer text-to-speech and custom reading preferences. These will allow you to customise you learning experience, whether you need a text-only format, audio narration, or a specific visual aid.
In addition to YuJa Panorama, the YuJa Website Accessibility Widget provides another tool to improve accessibility across TAFE SA LEARN. This widget enables you to adjust the User Interface, design, and readability of your learning content through a simple toggle. It supports a range of customisable features for learners with diverse needs, such as those with motor impairments, dyslexia, visual impairments, ADHD, and other conditions or those who simply prefer different colours and fonts.With the widget, you can adjust content appearance by changing spacing, alignment, font, and even hide images or pause animations. The widget is designed to make the learning environment more inclusive for everyone, regardless of individual needs.
For further information please watch this short student demo below, visit the YuJa panorama website or use the YuJa 24/7 support. Additionally, please visit the student support services and the library for training and advice.
You can download a mobile application so you can easily access your My Courses dashboard from your mobile/tablet device.
Freecall 1800 882 661