Student Voice

The Student Voice Group represents all TAFE SA students.  The Student Voice Group works in partnership with TAFE SA staff to provide input about: 

  • services
  • facilities
  • activities
  • academic matters
  • and other areas that are important to students

Our Student Voice representatives meet online on the last Tuesday of each month. 

Student Voice representatives:

  • take part in campus activities and events
  • connect with their local peers and students on campus
  • help TAFE SA to understand issues that impact students. 

How do I get involved?

Submit the application form linked below to apply. You can apply at any time of the year.  New members will begin attending meetings at the start of:

  • Semester 1 (February meeting)
  • Semester 2 (August Meeting)


Student Voice Application



What skills can I gain from being in the Student Voice?

In addition to improving the experience of other students, and helping to make positive changes around campus, you'll also: 

  • build important skills that strengthen your resume and improve your job prospects
  • receive a certificate of participation that you can include in your resume
  • make lifelong connections
Some of the skills and experience you can gain from the Student Voice include:
  • teamwork
  • communication
  • leadership experience
  • organisational and time management
  • presentation and public speaking
  • negotiation
  • committee experience
  • employability skills


What’s expected of a Student Voice Representative?

Student Voice representative are expected to:

  1. speak to other students about their concerns, and represent the views and opinions of other students accurately
  2. act as a communication channel between TAFE SA and the student body
  3. contribute to continuous improvement
  4. form solutions for identified problems in partnership with TAFE SA staff
  5. treat all participants and guests with respect and encouragement
  6. provide honest and constructive feedback, ideas and suggestions
  7. attend monthly meetings in an online environment
  8. if absent for a meeting, watch the recording within 7 days and submit your ideas for discussions to the online forum
  9. participate in online discussion between meetings
  10. provide an introduction of yourself for the Student Voice web page



How often do the Student Voice Group meet?

Student Voice meetings are held online on the last Tuesday of each month from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. 

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