Smoke Free Environment


All TAFE SA campuses are smoke free environments.

A smoke free environment means that smoking is prohibited on all TAFE SA owned grounds including all shared spaces/courtyards, carparks and cafes (external areas). The use of e-cigarettes and vaping is also prohibited.

Why is TAFE SA smoke free?

We recognise that it is someone's personal choice to smoke, however, we also recognise the rights of those who choose not to smoke. It is well known that smoking and passive smoking is hazardous to a person's health and therefore TAFE SA's Smoke Free Environment Procedure encourages everyone to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Smoking is only permitted off campus.

Planning on quitting?

If you are a smoker, this may be a great opportunity to call the Quitline on 13 78 48 and join us in becoming smoke free.

Being smoke free and other quit support resources:


Electronic cigarettes and vaping

Electronic cigarettes, e-cigs and vaporisers for vaping are generally devices designed to simulate the act of cigarette smoking.

The Australian Government's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) states:

"Unlike Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products, which have been rigorously assessed for efficacy and safety and, therefore, approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for use as aids in withdrawal from smoking, no assessment of electronic cigarettes has been undertaken and, therefore, the quality and safety of electronic cigarettes is not known."

"Some overseas studies suggest that electronic cigarettes containing nicotine may be dangerous, delivering unreliable doses of nicotine, or containing toxic chemicals or carcinogens, or leaking nicotine. Leaked nicotine is a poisoning hazard for the user of electronic cigarettes, as well as others around them, particularly children. Dangerous and lethal doses of nicotine can be absorbed through the skin. Electronic cigarettes containing substances other than nicotine have not been assessed for safety."

For these reasons, the use of e-cigarettes and vaping on TAFE SA campuses is prohibited along with other forms of smoking.

More information on e-cigarettes can be found at Electronic cigarettes (TGA).


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