Early starts and full-time hours? Working overtime as well? Juggling Work, Life and Trade School? Fatigue in the workplace is real and impacts on your work performance and safety. You and your employer are both responsible to reduce this risk.
Look out for signs of fatigue:
What can I do to reduce my risk?
Additional resources:
Does your workplace have a drug and alcohol policy? Do you know how much is too much? Having some information about alcohol and other drug use may help you understand the impact of drugs and alcohol on you, your work mates and your workplace.
There are a range of services in South Australia for individuals who experience or know a mate who is experiencing alcohol or other drug issues.
I’m worried, my mate seems to be using more and more! How do I help? Explore these resources to learn more about the potential signs to look out for, and how you can support them if they need help.
Alcohol and Drug FoundationBIRST - The Construction & Other Industries Drug & Alcohol Program Inc. (COIDAP)
Discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and inappropriate behaviour is not acceptable and is against the law.
Protect your own health and safety and your mates! All workers are responsible for protecting their own health and safety at work.To minimise the risks to your health and safety:
If you have any concerns about the safety at work workplace, are experiencing any inappropriate behaviour at work, or you witness such behaviour, report it to your supervisor or manager.
Alternatively, contact SafeWork SA on 1300 365 255 or the Fair Work Commission on 1300 799 675 for advice.
Working long hours, have a demanding trade, and missing energy boosting meals at work? Getting your quick fix on the worksite of Iced coffee, chocolate doughnuts and pies? You can change the way you approach food and boost your energy levels and concentration on the worksite. Consider some of the following changes in your eating habits:
Meat pie or pasty Doughnut Cakes Can of soft drink Iced Coffee Ice cream Chocolate
Beef/Chicken and Salad Roll Fruit / Protein Ball Cheese & Cracker snack Water Plain Milk Yogurt Nuts
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