At TAFE SA, we are committed to providing a respectful, safe and positive environment for all of our students, staff and visitors.
We encourage all members of the TAFE SA community to work together to ensure TAFE SA remains a welcoming and safe space for everyone.
All TAFE SA campuses are smoke free environments. This means no smoking, vaping or use of e-cigarettes are permitted in buildings, car parks, and open spaces.
You may be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for your courses and work areas. This is particularly important in workshops, practical and simulated classrooms, and for high-risk activities. Before you start, make sure you ask your lecturer about PPE or hygienic requirements for your course and work areas.
Examples of PPE include:
Regardless of where you study, being aware of your safety is important.
At the workplace - if you are working and studying, or completing a vocational placement, you must adhere to the organisational WHS processes. Before starting you should receive a WHS orientation or induction to ensure you understand all f the workplace requirements.
If you are injured while at a worksite as part of your studies, you should still report this to your lecturer or coordinator.
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