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VET Student Loans
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VET Student Loans
Acknowledgement of Understanding
This form must be submitted at least 3 business days before your first Census date to progress your VET Student Loan application, and acknowledge that you understand your obligations, evidence requirements and the application process.
If you are unsure or would like clarification on any part of the Acknowledgement of Understanding, please select 'No' and we will be in contact with you to explain that section in more detail to ensure you fully understand the application process and your obligations to the Commonwealth.
If you require assistance completing this form, please contact the VET Student Loan team on 1800 882 661.
Student Details
Qualification Title
Advanced Diploma of Conveyancing (BSB60220)
Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design (CUA60320)
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (SIT60316)
Advanced Diploma of Human Resource Management (BSB60320)
Advanced Diploma of Oral Health (Dental Hygiene) (10926NAT)
Advanced Diploma of Professional Dance (Elite Performance) (CUA60120)
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Content Creation and Design) (CUA60620)
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (CUA60620)
Advanced Diploma of Surveying (CPP60121)
Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts (CUA60720)
Diploma of Accounting (FNS50222)
Diploma of Animal Technology (ACM50119)
Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles (MST50122)
Diploma of Arboriculture (AHC50520)
Diploma of Beauty Therapy (SHB50121)
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) (CPC50220)
Diploma of Building Design (CPP50921)
Diploma of Business (BSB50120)
Diploma of Business (Operations) (BSB50120)
Diploma of Community Services - CHC52021
Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management (AHC51120)
Diploma of Counselling (CHC51015)
Diploma of Dental Technology (HLT55118)
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50121)
Diploma of Electrical Engineering (UEE50420)
Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering (UEE50520)
Diploma of Engineering ‐ Technical (MEM50222)
Diploma of Event Management (SIT50322)
Diploma of Financial Counselling (CHC51122)
Diploma of Food Science and Technology (FBP50121)
Diploma of Government (PSP50122)
Diploma of Graphic Design (CUA50720)
Diploma of Horticulture (AHC50416)
Diploma of Hospitality Management (SIT50416)
Diploma of Human Resource Management (BSB50320)
Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Networking) & (Cloud Engineering) (ICT50220)
Diploma of Information Technology (Advanced Programming) (ICT50220)
Diploma of Information Technology (Back End Web Development) (ICT50220)
Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security) (ICT50220)
Diploma of Information Technology (System Administration) & (Cloud Engineering) (ICT50220)
Diploma of Interior Design (MSF50222)
Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE‐English) (PSP50916)
Diploma of Laboratory Technology (MSL50122)
Diploma of Landscape Design (AHC50621)
Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420)
Diploma of Library and Information Services (BSB50520)
Diploma of Live Production Technical Services (CUA50420)
Diploma of Local Government (Planning) (LGA50120)
Diploma of Marketing and Communication (BSB50620)
Diploma of Mental Health (CHC53315)
Diploma of Music (Performance) (CUA50820)
Diploma of Music (Sound Production) (CUA50820)
Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121)
Diploma of Outdoor Leadership (SIS50421)
Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging (CUA50920)
Diploma of Project Management (BSB50820)
Diploma of Remedial Massage (HLT52015)
Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects) (CUA51020)
Diploma of Screen and Media (CUA51020)
Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make‐Up Services) (CUA51020)
Diploma of Surveying (CPP50121)
Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (SIT50122)
Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (SIT50122)
Diploma of Visual Arts (CUA51120)
Diploma of Viticulture (AHC51519)
Please select
If you are studying more than one Qualification, you are required to complete an Acknowledgement of Understanding for each qualification.
Student ID number
Click to add
Full name
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Email address
Email address must be a personal email address. Please do not use a TAFE or university email address.
Are you 18+ years old?
Please select
*If you are under the age of 18 you will need to have your parent sign and return the
VET Student Loans Parental Consent form
Have you obtained a VET Student Loan for this qualification with the exact same National code at any other educational institution? (If yes, please provide details below. If no, continue to the "Student eligibility" section.)
Please select
Please list the other educational institution where you have previously obtained the VET Student Loan.
Click to add
Please advise of the total amount ($) of the VET Student Loan.
Click to add
Student eligibility
I understand the eligibility criteria requirements for a VET Student Loan
Please select
Student fees & payment options
I understand that my course has a loan cap, and if my tuition fees exceed the loan cap for my course, I am required to pay this amount upfront
Please select
I understand that a VET Student Loan is a loan from the Commonwealth and will remain a personal debt until it is repaid to the Commonwealth
Please select
I understand the loan may, until the debt is repaid, reduce my take-home (after-tax) wage or salary and may reduce my borrowing capacity
Please select
I understand that I may wish to seek independent financial advice before applying for a loan
Please select
I understand that any incidental fees and the Student Services Fee is not covered by the loan
Please select
Census date
I understand the meaning of a Census date
Please select
I understand that I must register in to a CRN at least 15 days before the Census date of the CRN
Please select
I understand that I may cancel my enrolment in a unit of study using the TAFE SA withdrawal process
Please select
I understand the TAFE SA withdrawal process, if I wish to withdraw from my course or unit of study
Please select
I understand that if I withdraw before the Census date, I will receive a 100% refund of any tuition fees I have paid upfront and will not incur a VET Student Loan debt*
Please select
I understand that if I withdraw after the Census date, I will incur a debt (unless the debt is remitted under special circumstances, if special circumstances apply, I will need to apply for a refund/recredit)
Please select
*Vet Student Loan approved students in an eligible Vet Student Loan qualification only. To be deemed eligible you must have completed and submitted this acknowledgement of understanding, provided eligibility documentation, been assessed as eligible for a VET Student Loan and submitted your eCAF by the Census date of the unit of study.
Commonwealth communication requirements
I understand that for the duration of the loan I will be required to communicate with the Commonwealth in relation to student progression and engagement requirements
Please select
I understand that the department may contact me to verify my enrolment in the course
Please select
The contact details I have provided are correct and I will notify TAFE SA of any changes during my studies
Please select
Acknowledgement & declaration
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information provided on the TAFE SA Student website and in the VET Student Loans Information Booklet
Please select
I acknowledge and understand the application process for a VET Student Loan
Please select
I acknowledge that completion of this form is not an application for a VET Student Loan
Please select
I acknowledge that the information that I have provided is accurate and correct at time of submission
Please select
What's next
Press submit, once complete.
If you have indicated 'No' for any sections on this form, we will be in contact with you to explain the section in more detail.
Please provide your best contact number and time to call during business hours.
Best contact number
Click to add
Best time to call
Click to add
Business hours only
We look forward to assisting you with your VET Student Loan application.
1800 882 661
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