Goal Setting – What are your goals?

Jul 31, 2019


A goal is something that gives you direction and focus for the future and provides a clear reference point for decisions you make.

Goals can relate to all aspects of your life – career, education, study tasks, personal, wellbeing, fitness, family, financial, community, travel, and more.

Having clear defined goals not only supports your direction and focus, they also have a range of positive benefits. Dr Clare Rosman (Clinical Psychologist) identifies these benefits as:

  • Goals motivate you.
  • They help you feel satisfied with your life and yourself.
  • They give you purpose and direction.
  • Goals help you to get what you want.
  • Having a goal makes your life interesting.
  • Goals provide you with a challenge.
  • Goals can help push you out of your comfort zone.
  • By achieving a goal, you can surprise yourself at your capabilities.
  • Completing a goal gives you a sense of pride and satisfaction.
  • Having goals helps you to feel in control of your life.

When thinking about and setting your goals, consider arranging your goals into SMART goals. SMART goals can greatly assist you in providing a framework for clear direction.

S = Specific (Goals need to be well defined and clear) How much? How often? When? Where? Who with?

M = Measurable (You need to be able to track your progress and stay motivated) How will you monitor your progress?

A = Achievable (Is this an attainable goal?) Is it within your reach? Is it possible? How?

R = Realistic (Is this goal relevant and practical for you?) Is your goal realistic given your time and resources?

T= Timely (Goals need target dates to focus and work towards) Do you have enough time to achieve your goal? What are your timelines?

Not sure where to begin? Check out THE DESK for more helpful and insightful information. Try a quiz or ‘mouse around’ the Getting Things Done module and check out ‘Setting Goals’ .

Want more information or to chat further? Student Success and Wellbeing staff are available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm. Phone 1800 882 661 or call in to your local campus to make an appointment. 

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