Studying online with TAFE SA

Apr 21, 2022


As many adjust to a new world of online learning, there are a few things you can do to set yourself up for study success.

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Top Tips for Studying Online:

  • Have a study routine.  Plan what you will study for each study session, make sure you are comfortable and find a quite study space where all your technology and resources are easily accessible. 

  • Set daily and weekly study goals.  Make a due date list of what’s to be completed for each unit of study.  Use SMART goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

  • Use a study planner to schedule all your commitments and plan dedicated study times around them.  Treat your study like a job and set realistic times when you can study without interruption or distraction.  This will keep your organised and accountable to your study goals.

  • Eliminate social media and other distractions. This includes family, friends and your pets!

  • Schedule frequent study breaks.  It’s important to give your body and mind time to focus on something else for short periods so that you don’t get study fatigue.  Being refreshed will help you engage with your learning material and be productive.

  • Take care of your wellbeingnutrition, sleep and exercise are critical to your overall health and provide outlets to energise and refocus.

  • Stay connected with your lecturer and other students in class.  You can do this via Skype, email, telephone or in dedicated chatrooms.  Make time for friends and family too.  Successful study is about finding balance. 

  • Aim to be ahead of deadlines.  This will reduce the stress of last-minute effort, anxiety and the need to negotiate extensions that may impact on other deadlines. 

  • Develop a reward system to stay motivated – acknowledge meeting your study goals and completing tasks on time.  Rewards can be as simple as a study free day, some online shopping, enjoying your favourite take-away or some FaceTime with friends.


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