Managing Change

Apr 21, 2020


Change is one constant in our lives.  Sometimes it’s within our control, other times it’s not.   As our lives constantly change, there are ways to adapt.  Adapting to change may present new opportunities.  Often the hardest changes to understand and adjust to, are the ones that are unexpected and out of our control.

Changes can be difficult, but you'll often find that how you experience the change depends on your coping skills.

We often manage change in one of two ways; Avoidance/Escape-coping and Control-coping.

Avoidance/Escape coping is where you take actions to avoid the difficulties of the change.

Control coping is based on positive and proactive actions. You develop skills to manage your feelings, get support and in time learn and grow from the change.

Here are some ways to cope with change.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is very important for your emotional and physical wellbeing.  Lack of sleep can decrease your ability to cope in stressful times and impacts on your ability to work at our optimum.

Maintain proper nutrition

Are you aware that a poor diet can make you more vulnerable to stress?

Exercise regularly

Exercise can be great for you physically and mentally.  It provides a stress release and keeps your body healthy.  It also helps your body release endorphins, which increase your feelings of overall wellbeing.

Maintain social support

Social support can keep you healthier and happier, creating a buffer against stress.  Connect, any way you can.

Focus on the present

Staying in the moment and being creative can assist you to develop coping skills.

Keep an active mind

By keeping your mind sharp, you are more equipped to solve the problems and take on the challenges that life presents.

Acknowledge and share your feelings

Listen to your feelings, process them and try to understand them.  A great way to process your emotions is the act of journaling.  When you write about your feelings, potential solutions may become apparent, promoting health benefits and reducing stress.

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